Call Today 702-369-2504

Why Us

Why Should You Work with Your Nevada Corporate Solutions?

Beware of “sales” companies that sell you not necessarily what you need or what will benefit you. The vast majority of salespeople employed by these companies are commissioned salespeople. They are not certified public accountants (CPAs) or tax experts of any sort. Once you buy, you are on your own.

Beware of companies that promise to set up your corporation for a very low fee. Most of these promises are “come-ons” that lead to an up-sell to more products you may not need. You may get the articles of incorporation but everything else is sold “a la carte.” In the end, you will pay more and not know what you bought and, more importantly, how it works.

Your Nevada Corporate Solutions is Different

When you buy from Your Nevada Corporate Solutions, we include everything you need to get started in business with your new corporation. Plus we take the time to explain it to you so that you have a full understanding of what you bought, why you bought it and how it works.

You also will be advised by a Certified Public Accountant who is up-to-date on the latest IRS guidelines, federal and state tax laws, and can suggest key tax and accounting strategies for your entity.

Optional Services Offered at an Extra Charge

Tax preparation and consulting
Mail forwarding
Foreign filing of corporation/organization in other states
Expedited State of Nevada filing services
